Saturday, January 28, 2012

Knives and Chili

Knives....are dangerous. While making delicious Chili, I was learning how to properly dice an onion. My roommate Courtnie was teaching me, she is in the culinary program at UVU and she was letting me use her special knife. Apparently, I shouldn't cut stuff, cause I slipped and cut my finger!!! ACK!! It hurt so bad, and it was bleeding like crazy, but it stopped...eventually. But the Chili turned out great! Here's the recipe for you courtesy of UVU's "The Zone"
Four Bean Chili
1/2lb. hamburger (extra lean)
1 onion, chopped
1 can green Lima beans, un-drained
2 cans kidney beans, un-drained
1 can butter beans, un-drainged
1/2 cup ketchup
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup water
Brown the  hamburger and onion together on the stove top. Stir together all ingredients and simmer on the stove top for 20-30 minutes. Enjoy!!
Provided by SHS Wellnes Programs.
More Recipies at:

Anyway, it tastes amazing!!!!! 

1 comment:

The Pin-Head Post said...

MMmm.....nothin' like a little blood in your chili :)