Sunday, July 14, 2019

6 Weeks Down and 9 Weeks to Go!

Hey guys.
It's been about 5-6 weeks since I last checked in.

So far half-marathon training has been excruciatingly hard but equally as rewarding.

While Joseph was gone in June I took this lovely little girl with me. Aná has been a decent running companion and has shown me that humans are pretty much the ultimate endurance machines. There were a few times Aná wanted to stop running and I didn't (even though I'm slow as sludge).

After Joe got back from his trip he decided that in an effort to support me, he was going to train for the half-marathon with me! It's been really helpful having Joe support me as now I know that I am not alone in my workouts each day. Sometimes he goes out with me and other days he goes while I'm at work - either way it's motivated me to continue going each step of the way even when my calves feel like tight little knots.

Recently we hit a mile stone. We ran 5 miles together in the evening heat of 98 degrees. We also started getting smarter with our gear and energy. We started trying out different energy chews and have found that the Extreme Jelly Bellies are one of our favorites. We also got some hydration belts because from here on out, our date nights on Fridays will be a longer run!
After our 5 miler, I realized that I needed new running shoes. The shoes I was using were pretty old. They are around 7 years old at this point. I got them for my mission and have logged miles on them there and miles on them here. It was time for a change.

I ended up getting a brand that I've never had before and never heard of. I got On Cloud.
Image result for ons cloud sea spray
So far they have been pretty great. They are ultra light and have more support in my arch as well as more space for my toes (which is super helpful!). The next week will test them out really well as this Friday we both will hit a new mile-stone (pun intended). We will be going 6 miles on Friday which is further than either of us has ever run in our lives!

Wish us luck!


teresa said...

You’ve got this!!

Becky said...

You (and Ana) totally rock! Cheering you on!