Sunday, January 8, 2012

Back to the Grind continues here in Orem. I got back yesterday evening and then proceeded to go back to my Gollum-like habits and hole up in my room and be anti-social for most of the night. Today, I went to church and performed my duties...and might I add, splendidly. If you didn't know, I play the organ for sacrament meeting because nobody else wants to and because not many people can. Dunno why, all piano players should be able to play the organ for it is practically the same thing. Tomorrow will prove to be interesting. I am starting a new semester at UVU. My list of classes are as follows: M, W, F: Intro to Music 11am and Sociology 1pm. T,TH: Ceramics 8am, Personal Health and Wellness 12pm, and Beginning German II 6:30pm. Intermingled in all of that would be Track practice from 2:30-5ish. I expect it to kick my butt very much tomorrow. I will be sore for a few days. Or so I should think. If you've read all of this, I congratulate you on being very astute in keeping up with me. Cheers.


Ronnie said...

Good luck Steph!

teresa said...

Steph you make me laugh!

Meghan said...

Someone's been watching "Sherlock"... :)