Tuesday, January 17, 2012


So...in my sociology class...it is pretty crazy. To start off Sociology is the systematic study of human society. And with this comes Sociological perspective, aka seeing the general in the particular. Now, this is really crazy! You see the strange in the familiar. Think of this, say, you're single and you're looking for a spouse. Ok, so you have the 'ideal' spouse in mind, but really how individual is that? You would love to think that it is based solely on how you feel about someone and all but, look at the social patterns around you. Who you marry is also very much influence by the society around you! Think about it, really hard. You probably have a list, like they make in Young Women's and such. How many of those things are pretty much the same on every list? Is that because the society you grew up in told you that those were the ideal things to have in a spouse or is it a result of your personal feelings or both? I know, weird, right?  There are all sorts of social patterns such as this. Just open your eyes, really look, and you will you see them. Where did you get your ideas on how criminals look? Society. How about what you think about girls you see on the street with short shorts? You probably think oh, dear, she's a bad person. But really, she could be a very good person, where did you get that idea? Society. Society as a whole influences about what we think about people, stereotypes and such. So my question for you, dear readers, is this: What ideas and/or actions do you have/take that are directly influenced by Society? Your personal society? Society as a Nation? So on and so forth.

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