Tuesday, May 20, 2014


BWAHAHAHA, once again, it is I, the only Sister in Germany that you get an email from. Or...actually, I don't know, do you get any other emails from missionaries in Germany?
Well, we said goodbye and hello to friends this week. We received a new Elder fresh from the MTC this week. He should be good for our District Leader, he will teach him English...(wait, I thought this was a German speaking mission! Nah, he already speaks German, English is next! :D)
We had some great things happen this week, for exmaple we TOTALLY got more joint teaches this week than other lessons. In fact, we basically DOUBLE our joint teaches! (Take that, Satan!!!)
We had some great experiences with other missionaries, aka, we helped each other find people to teach! That is what I call TEAMWORK. TEAM LEIPZIG!!!!!! That is dang straight.
We even had one of our Romanian investigators come to the Book of Mormon class, ooo, moving up in the big leagues!!
So you know how they give stuff to all moms on moms day? Well...the little kids gave me a flower and my investigator laughed at me because that apparently makes me a mom. That and the neice from my mission president was all...'ohhhh do I need to tell my unlce something!?' Haha, real funny. Then I gave my flower away. Phew!
I LOVE YOU ALL.This week should be legit because...we are inviting lots of people to be baptized because there are so many prepared people! Watch out Leipzig, you gonna done be baptized!!

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