Friday, June 13, 2014

Well then - 6/9/14 know your name is definitely not American when you call your Polish investigator, and say Hello here is Sister Rimmasch and he thinks that you have said 'Jak sie masz' which is how are you in Polish. Perhaps my last name is indeed Polish with a German spelling. That was kind of neat anyhow. :D

This week has been quite hot!! It's been pushing 90°'s all week! And humid, but NEVER FEAR, that did not stop us from going out and doing some missionary work! We had some great meetings with Russians and Germans alike. The Russian guy really did his homework before our second meeting, he studies up all about Joseph Smith and etc. Pretty neat, I am just glad we have a wonderful member who comes with us to translate for us. Sometimes he doesn't get everything in German the first time...

We went to Dresden this weekend for a MISSION TOUR. Super fun. Dresden is very pretty and the meeting was very good! I learned a lot! Like...we CAN do  hard things! I mean, sometimes I know that, but sometimes I forget that I can do hard things. Ha. But uh, yeah, the 2nd counselor of the area 70, Elder Dykes, spoke it us! He did a terrific job and oh MAN, I could just FEEL my heart burning within me. The Spirit was so strong I was surprise the room didn't start on fire or was unusally hot that day...perhaps that is why. Let's just say, holy math...
missionaries+awesome meeting=SPIRIT OVERFLOW

The train ride home from Dresden was even more funny. Let's just say, how many missionaries can you pack on a train is not a game that I would highly encourage. Ha. It's like fitting track kids on a bus. Man.

Well, got some more fußball finding in this week, and even one of our current investigators was there! He did such a great job! We also celebrated the birthday of our beloved DL. It makes me feel a little old...ish...he was only turning like 19 and saying, oh I am so old and I was like...heck, I will be turning 22 this year, if I go by your standards of old I am ancient! ACK! Hahahaha.

I can only tell you how awesome it is to be a missionary when you see the fruits of your labors. We had a less active go to the temple! We had 4 people at church, (that we teach), we have seen people start to pray who have never prayed, a man who found us many months ago is now making steps towards baptism on his own accord! It's so exciting I may just pee my pants..or skirt in my case. Hahaha. But ja. 

On another side of things, the Gothic Festival has been going on for days now in Leipzig and let's just say...I will never be Gothic. Amen. However, they are some pretty nice people....and yeah. Let's just say, everyone in the world deserves the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their lives, EVERYONE, even if you don't think they will take it.

Sister Rimmasch

and a picture with my MTC Distrikt Leader!

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