Thursday, October 30, 2014

Miracle Friends - 10/20/14

This week was nice...not really that cold...except sometimes and full of weird miracles. Personally, I think those are the best types of miracles. There are so many different kinds of miracles, I could be typing forever, but then again that would be super boring. Ha.

So...miracle one.
We got caught in the rain. Yes, this is a miracle, just wait. So, we got caught in the rain and so naturally, we took cover. As we waited for the rain to go away, a man walked by. (we were in town) and I smiled and waved. He must have been surprised, because he turned around came back and introduced himself to us. As we told him what we do, he wanted to meet and make out an appointment right away! :D

Miracle two: We got a random phone call from a contact that same day after walking around for HOURS. He called and said he was sorry he hadn't met for awhile but he wanted to meet..TODAY. Well, of course we were super stoked and changed around ALL THE PLANS and met with him instead. He is super excited to learn more.

Miracle three: Oktoberfest....So there is this street in Leipzig call Straße des 18. Oktobers. So obviously, we went there on the 18th of Oktober. Who could miss out on such an opportunity. As we walked around trying to talk to people, we may or may not have run into an Oktoberfest...yeah. People where just walking around in Lederhosen and Dirndls. Typisch Deutsch. Yeah, super funny, but that't not the miracle. We went by on our contact on this street and SHE WAS HOME. She is from China and wants to learn more! Yes, I love these people! Student are literally the best!

Oh, I saw some breakdancers in the middle of town, they were soooooo good! They drew a HUGE crowd and I thought...why did I not learn breakdancing? I could have drawn a huge crowd to come and hear about the those of you preparing to go on missions, learn breakdancing! :D Of course, I took a film and pictures! It was great!

Well my friends! Time is flying and I've 42 days left! Insanity!! Keep up the good missionary work where you are at! People need you there! The LORD needs you where you are. (unless He tells you otherwise!) Love you all!

Sister Rimmasch

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