Thursday, October 3, 2013

Week 1 Transfer 2

Alrighty, get ready, Fans of The Work in Deutschland! Germany is about to catch on fire! (Not literally on fire, but like, faithfully on fire)

This week, we did some area book finding...through our phone. Ha. It went well. We went to visit one of the appointments we made. It was super awesome! She really likes science and is working on her PhD. She asked a lot of good questions that we will answer next week! Cool beans!

Wednesday was flippin' ridculous. All of our appointments fell out. ALL!! I was pretty bumbed out, until we got a call from a less active telling us that we could come visit! It was really cool, I was able to bear my testimony about how important the temple was. The Spirit was so strong, I hope that she was able to recognize it and that it helped her a bit.

The next day, we schaffed(made) all of our appointments. It was really neat! We almost made all our goals for the day, and were able to have a lesson with an investigator who has been investigating the church for a year this month. I hope that she will get baptized soon, because she will make the most amazing and strong member!

Friday was miracle day. We lost our joint teach appointment and were desperatley trying to find a joint teach when the doorbell rang on our Zentrum. It was one of our investigators that we DIDN'T have an appointment with. He is also deaf. Right at the same time, one of our members called (she is from Utah, actually) and we were able to ask her to do a joint teach with us with another investigator. After all this craziness, we went and bought Pommdöners. So yummy by the way. Too bad the states doesn't allow the Döners.

District Meeting was cool, we made some awesome goals. We will be working more with Young Single Adults and Less Actives! I think we can totally get some great activation in the church and catch everyone on FIRE.

I still hold my record of having an eating appointment every Sunday since I have been here. Hopefully, I can keep it going. It's pretty awesome! We had dinner at the Timms! Brother Timm made curry with rice! Richtig Lecker! For a Nachspeise (dessert) we had basically a tub of Quark with Strawberry sauce. YUM! 

Until next week!
KEEP THE FAITH AND CARRY ON! (also, someone PLEASE make a shirt with that on it)


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